Friday, October 17, 2008

What John McCain has to do in order to win

1.) Press the attack. Focus on Obama's plan to RAISE taxes. Focus on Obama's plan to RAISE spending. Show the futility of things like raising capital gains tax in a time like this. With the recent stock market bust, there won't be any capital gains for years for most folks. I also like the number of times that Obama states he is giving a tax BREAK to 95% of American's... That is not true, hell most of those folks pay ZERO federal income tax in the first place. Keep pushing on taxes and spending, and the poll leads will shrink, just like Clinton's did over Bush/Quayle.

2.) Followup on False Statements. The fact that, yes, Obama's first political fund raiser ever was at Mr. Ayers house, shows that Barrack bald face lied during the debate. This should be infuriating him, as it is the rest of us. The fact that, yes, Barrack actually trained many of the leaders of ACORN today showed yet another omission of the truth during the last debate.

3.) Continue to support the FREE market. Be sure that this rescue plan is followed through with, and that it is executed efficiently. American's aren't just upset, were pissed. We have been betrayed, and so far, as far as I can see, not a single person has been put in jail.

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