Monday, October 27, 2008

Voter's Guide for Serious Catholics

Put out by the USCCB.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

ARRL appoints new youth editor

In a hobby that is constantly losing members due to age, its great to hear about youth that have been bitten by the bug. Best of all, it was due to HAM Radios intervention with the Boy Scouts of America, another great Pro-America organization, that helped get him into the hobby.

Article from

Another great post from Jimmy Akin's Blog

Part 2 of the posts regarding the Catholocrats, and actual Catholic teaching.

ACORN in tank for Obama

Non-Partisan tax funded group? I don't think so. This video is from ACORN's June convention, back when they didn't think that anyone was watching. There is also another video of another speaker at the convention in full ACORN attire that says "We must do everything we can to elect Barrack Obama!" I think that says it all. They've pulled all the stops.

Hmm.... $800,000. All of these folks should be in prison. Voter Fraud destroys the very fabric of democracy.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Now Joe Biden defines Catholicism over the Bishops?

Great post on Jimmy Akin's blog. Joe Biden has aligned himself with Nancy Pelosi, and their thoughts on Catholicisms, and their interpretations of what Catholicism is, and who is in control of its teachings.

Great post, and Jimmy's guest blogger hits the nail on the head.

Friday, October 17, 2008

What John McCain has to do in order to win

1.) Press the attack. Focus on Obama's plan to RAISE taxes. Focus on Obama's plan to RAISE spending. Show the futility of things like raising capital gains tax in a time like this. With the recent stock market bust, there won't be any capital gains for years for most folks. I also like the number of times that Obama states he is giving a tax BREAK to 95% of American's... That is not true, hell most of those folks pay ZERO federal income tax in the first place. Keep pushing on taxes and spending, and the poll leads will shrink, just like Clinton's did over Bush/Quayle.

2.) Followup on False Statements. The fact that, yes, Obama's first political fund raiser ever was at Mr. Ayers house, shows that Barrack bald face lied during the debate. This should be infuriating him, as it is the rest of us. The fact that, yes, Barrack actually trained many of the leaders of ACORN today showed yet another omission of the truth during the last debate.

3.) Continue to support the FREE market. Be sure that this rescue plan is followed through with, and that it is executed efficiently. American's aren't just upset, were pissed. We have been betrayed, and so far, as far as I can see, not a single person has been put in jail.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Why is this news?

I saw the following story on Fox this morning. I understand that they are trying to stand up for the folks in the middle of a media onslaught, however these folks shouldn't even be a blip on the radar.

Children should not be included when the media decides to vet out a candidate. Period. I think its hillarious that in the five or so weeks since Sarah Palin has been on the Republican ticket, we have found out more about her family, and her husbands possible DUI, etc, than we have about Barrack Obama himself. I am glad we have folks out there like Laura Ingrahm, and Sean Hannity. Without them, the facts about Obama's past associations with Reverend Wright, Father Pfleuger, Tony Rezko, and Mr. Daley would have never been heard.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Who is behind ACORN, and their actions

Question is, who is funding this group? If you guessed the Obama campaign, you are correct. It looks like the Obama campaign gave the group, which is under investigation for voter registration fraud in several states, close to $800,000

Here's the story from the Washington Post

New McCain Ad

Its time to lay it all on the line. Below is the newest ad from the McCain camp that calls into questions Mr. Obama's past, as well as the lies he as told about them. I hope that they are able to get more of these facts out there, without looking too desperate.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The AIG Countdown

Why aren't these guys in jail. Now they have been caught being dishonest to the Congressional committe's that have been interviewing them.

What do you know, I actually agreed with Barrack Hussein Obama one time last night, when he stated that the AIG execs in charge of this lofty retreat should be fired. I would say to Mr. Obama, that we need to take it another step further. These folks should be in prison. They aren't wastefully squandering windfall profits here. These are hard earned tax payer dollars they are blowing. The only place they should be getting pedicures is a federal pen.

Yet more folks that should be in prison

ACORN. Assocation of Community Organizers for Reform Now.

What another croc organization. So far only 9 states are currently investigating them for massive voter registration fraud. Unbelievable. I wonder how long they rehearsed the "Its not our fault, our workers did it!" speech. Once is an accident, twice may be a coincidence, three or more times, and I would say that false registrations is one of their core mission objectives. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire organizations board were involved in this scam. Luckily states like Indiana has time to catch this before any actual voting takes place. Who knows how many totally bogus votes are being cast in Ohio by Tony Romo? These folks should be taken straight to prison. No questions asked.

Link to Fox News story.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Are you freaking kidding me?

So, a whole week after AIG pleads for and gets an $86 billion dollar loan from the American taxpayers, it has the balls to spend a half a million on a corporate retreat at a "hotel of legendary proportions". They should all be getting a one way ticket to San Quentin. I can't believe they went broke in the first place with such frugality being displayed as this.

Link to the story on Fox News.

Link to the actual hotel bill.

Bailout Hearings and tonights debate

So it happened, the bailout was approved, and yet my 401k is still in the tank for an almost 30% drop. What a bunch of crap. I listened to the folks from AIG, and Lehman Brothers get up and speak to the hearing committee. What a bunch of freaking theives. They take millions of dollars out of their companies, and then tell me that they feel sorry about the current status of their companies? Why aren't these guys in jail? Why haven't their assets been seized? This is an outrage. These guys should all be in striped suits, making license plates. Who suffers the most? How about all of those folks that have retired, or are pretty close to retirement who don't have the time to ride this thing out like I do? Where is their bailout?

Well, the debate is tonight. I will be watching. I hope that John McCain stops pussyfooting around, and shows his true colors tonight. He has to go after Obama. He has to go at him like a rabid dog. Why hasn't he pointed out that his cheif economic adviser is Mr. Franklin Raines, ex CEO of Fannie Mae. This man also made over 90 million dollars while the CEO of the now failed and bankrupt institution, that you and I, the taxpayers are now funding. Yet another character that should be behind bars. If McCain sits back, and doesn't light the fire in his stomach, then I fear this election is lost. Get ready for socialist collectivism for the next four years. Palin \ Pence in 2012.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Completed Indiana ABATE MSF BRC!

It was a great class. For those that may not know, Indiana has an association called ABATE. It may be in multiple states, however I am not totally sure. ABATE stands for American Bikers Aimed Toward Education, I believe. Their site can be accessed via Anyways, I signed up for their Beginner's Riding Course. In Indiana, Abate delivers all of the rider education courses, as well as executes all of the riding tests for your motorcycle endorsement. The class was put together, and delivered very well. I had a great weekend relearning a lot of the basic building blocks that riding is built on. The first night, you spend a few hours reviewing the course book, doing some small group work, and watching some videos on basic motorcycle skills. The second day is about 70% riding, and 30% classroom. The third and final day is a few new skills, and then finally the riding and written assessments. I met a few new life long biker friends, and had a great time. I would recommend the class to anyone who thinks they may be interested in picking up the hobby.