Monday, October 6, 2008

Completed Indiana ABATE MSF BRC!

It was a great class. For those that may not know, Indiana has an association called ABATE. It may be in multiple states, however I am not totally sure. ABATE stands for American Bikers Aimed Toward Education, I believe. Their site can be accessed via Anyways, I signed up for their Beginner's Riding Course. In Indiana, Abate delivers all of the rider education courses, as well as executes all of the riding tests for your motorcycle endorsement. The class was put together, and delivered very well. I had a great weekend relearning a lot of the basic building blocks that riding is built on. The first night, you spend a few hours reviewing the course book, doing some small group work, and watching some videos on basic motorcycle skills. The second day is about 70% riding, and 30% classroom. The third and final day is a few new skills, and then finally the riding and written assessments. I met a few new life long biker friends, and had a great time. I would recommend the class to anyone who thinks they may be interested in picking up the hobby.

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