Thursday, March 19, 2009

March Madness - How to counter the bandwidth suck

Every year us folks responsible for corporate networks have to be the bad cops. This is one of those times, March Madness. Now, thanks to the NCAA, all of the games can be watched online for free. Luckily these folks have also made all of the video play via the same Fully Qualified Domain Name (

So all you have to do is block that particular host. This can be done several ways.

1.) add to your block list on OpenDNS
2.) Create a firewall rule at all of your sites to block to, and its IP addresses.
3.) Create a false DNS record on your internal dns servers to point to nowhere
4.) Create a hosts file and distribute it via GPO or other means to block the lookup.

Option number 1 is much easier, and OpenDNS provides quite a bit of value for being a free service. I would suggest taking a look at it.

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